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The Perfect HVACD System for Indoor Agriculture looks to be your partner in indoor climate control.

When it comes to selecting the perfect HVACD system for your indoor agriculture facility, there are several key design elements to consider.

Firstly, the location plays a crucial role, but it's not just about where you are. Factors like lighting energy output, temperature and humidity set points, and evapotranspiration rates are vital for sizing the system's capacity.

The most common choice for climate control is traditional DX units with hot gas reheat. However they have limitations, especially in dehumidification at low dew point temperatures below 50–52 degrees Fahrenheit. In this case, a chiller or desiccant dehumidification must be selected.

That's when you need to consider options like chillers or desiccant dehumidification. Your facility layout and air distribution strategy are crucial.

Whether it's rooftop units, ground-mounted packaged units, or split water-cooled systems, the right choice depends on your operations. And let's not forget about energy efficiency. Investing in winter economizers, enthalpy wheels, CHP plants, or geo-thermal systems can lead to significant energy savings.

But perhaps the most essential to consult with a mechanical engineer experienced in indoor cultivation.

For expert advice on HVACD systems tailored to your indoor agriculture facility, visit

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